It doesn’t matter what event you are planning, a post-event reflection is an essential part of becoming a more effective event organiser. 

Taking time to assess what went well and what could have been done differently will not only improve your future events but also enhance your reputation. 

In this article, we will explore the significance of reflection and provide a guide for any event organiser (this includes a business owner creating their own event) on how to effectively reflect on any events.

Why should I reflect on my event? 

Before we delve into the practical steps of event reflection, let’s understand why it’s so vital for event organisers. 

  1. Continuous Improvement: Reflecting on past events enables you to identify areas for improvement. This can encompass everything from logistical challenges to enhancing the overall experience for attendees. By learning from your past successes and mistakes, you can refine your processes and provide even better events in the future.
  2. Client and Stakeholder Satisfaction: Satisfied stakeholders are more likely to work with you again, and happy attendees are more likely to recommend your events to others. Reflecting on your events allows you to ensure that both your clients’ and guests’ expectations are met or exceeded.
  3. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Reflection provides valuable data that can inform your decision-making process. This information can help you make strategic choices, such as selecting vendors, venues, or event formats that have consistently delivered positive outcomes.

How do I prepare for a post-event reflection? 

Now that we understand the importance of reflection, let’s explore how to set the stage for effective reflection as an event organiser:

  1. Document Everything: Keep detailed records of each event, including timelines, budgets, vendor contracts, communication logs, and feedback from stakeholders and attendees. This information will be invaluable during the reflection process.
  2. Schedule Regular Meetings: Make time to review and reflect part of your routine part of your post-event process. Ideally, you should hold a reflective session shortly after each event to ensure that key insights and observations remain fresh.

How do I reflect on my event? 

Now, let’s move on to the specific steps for conducting an effective event reflection as an event organiser:

  1. Review Objectives: Start the reflection by revisiting the initial objectives of the event. Were these objectives met? Did the event align with your vision and goals? This will help you gauge the overall success of the event.
  2. Discuss What Went Well: Reflect on what aspects of the event went well. This can include successful marketing strategies, effective vendor collaborations, seamless logistics, or positive feedback from attendees.
  3. Analyse Challenges: Identify any challenges or obstacles encountered during the event. Discuss the causes of these challenges and how they were addressed at the time.
  4. Stakeholder Feedback: Share and discuss feedback from any stakeholder. Were they satisfied with the event? Were there any concerns or areas where they felt improvements could be made?
  5. Attendee Feedback: Review feedback from event attendees, if available. Pay attention to their likes and dislikes. This feedback can be collected through surveys, social media, or direct communication with guests.
  6. Vendor Evaluation: Assess the performance of vendors and suppliers involved in the event. Were they reliable, efficient, and responsive? Did they meet contractual obligations?
  7. Financial Review: Examine the event’s financial aspects, including the budget, expenses, and profitability. Compare the actual expenses to the projected budget and identify any discrepancies.
  8. Timeline and Logistics: Review the event timeline and logistics. Were there any issues with scheduling or coordination? Were all logistical aspects executed as planned?
  9. Lessons Learned: Summarise the key lessons learned from the event, both positive and negative. These insights will serve as the basis for improving future events.

What do I do after the event reflection? 

After the reflection session, it’s essential to follow up with concrete actions to ensure growth and improvement in your event organising endeavours:

  1. Implement Changes: Put into action the plans developed during the reflection session. This may involve changes in your event planning processes, vendor relationships, or client communication.
  2. Communicate with Stakeholders: If the reflection revealed areas where the event fell short of the stakeholder’s expectations, communicate with the client and discuss how those issues will be addressed in future events.
  3. Personal and Professional Development: Invest in training and development to address any skills or knowledge gaps identified during the reflection process.
  4. Regular Monitoring: Continue to monitor the success of your events, track improvements, and refine your processes based on ongoing feedback and reflections.

Final thoughts 

Reflecting on your events is a crucial step in becoming a more effective event organiser. 

By consistently analysing what worked well and what needs improvement, you can refine your processes, enhance stakeholder and guest satisfaction, and foster a culture of continuous learning and growth in your events for the future. 

Don’t underestimate the power of reflection—it’s a cornerstone of success in any event whether you are an event manager, community group or business owner. 

If you want to learn more about how to do a post-event reflection, send us an email.

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events in 2024

As we navigate the dynamic landscape of 2024, small businesses and community organisations are discovering fresh ways to connect with their audience through events. 

In this era of intimate gatherings and personalised experiences, it’s crucial to stay ahead of the curve while remaining mindful of practical considerations. 

Here are some realistic and trend-forward event ideas for 2024, tailored specifically for small businesses and organisations looking to boost engagement around their events. 

What will help boost my event engagement? 

If you are looking to boost engagement for your events in 2024, you’ve come to the right place. While we will share some key event trends, we want to share what makes a “good” and “engaging event” in 2024 (and beyond). 

The first thing you will want to really bring to life with your event is a personalised experience for your guests. You want people to feel special and to talk about your event for weeks, months and even years to come. 

Think outside the box with the experience you can provide. With the continuous growth of content creation on social media, you might also want to think “what can we create that will get people to share it on social media”. If that aligns with your goal, of course. 

Think about that attention grabbing stuff. You might even poll your audience to see what would make their experience feel extra special and unique. 

Another thing we are looking for in 2024 is human connection. After a long time in lockdown (and still recovering) the importance of human connection is invaluable. Think about how you can bring more of your attendees together. 

But what you also need to remember with your event (especially in 2024) is the cost. With interest rates rising and everything becoming more expensive, people are looking for events that are local and more cost effective for them and their family. At the end of the day, people want to see they will get a return on investment by attending your event (this doesn’t mean in monetary value, they just need to see it is worth it). Know your audience and understand the price point and what they are looking for when it comes to attending an event in years to come. 

Lastly, you want to ensure your event is accessible. After consistent communication with local government, there is a heightened focus on making sure all events are accessible for everyone. If you need more inspiration, you just need to look at what Dylan Alcott has done with Ability Fest! 

If you can focus on understanding what your attendees are looking for, what is required to create an accessible and appealing event for all your potential attendees, it will be a no-brainer for them to attend and engage. 

So, what could you plan for 2024 to create an event people will love? Let us share the trends with you now. 

Event ideas for 2024 

  1. Pop-Up Marketplaces

Tap into the popularity of pop-up events by organising your own marketplace. This allows local businesses to showcase their products or services in a shared space, fostering a sense of community and supporting the shop-local movement. Consider themes like sustainable products, handmade crafts, or wellness items.

  1. Digital Workshops and Webinars

Bring your expertise to a broader audience by hosting digital workshops or webinars. Use platforms like Zoom or social media to conduct informative sessions related to your industry. This trend caters to the growing demand for accessible and valuable online content. We do have a bit of a love-hate relationship with online events, so before you go down this path, make sure you check out our article on hybrid and online events. 

  1. Local Art Walks

Celebrate local talent and creativity by organising art walks in your community. Partner with local artists and galleries to showcase their work in various venues. This event idea not only supports the arts but also attracts foot traffic to local businesses.

  1. Community Clean-Up Events

Embrace social responsibility and community engagement by organising clean-up events. Collaborate with local environmental groups, schools, and businesses to clean up parks, streets, or beaches. This trend not only contributes to a cleaner environment but also fosters a sense of community pride.

  1. DIY Craft Workshops

Encourage hands-on creativity with do-it-yourself (DIY) craft workshops. Choose simple and cost-effective projects that resonate with your audience. This trend allows participants to express themselves while fostering a sense of accomplishment.

  1. Local Foodie Experiences

Showcase the culinary delights of your community by organising local foodie experiences. Collaborate with nearby restaurants, food trucks, or chefs to create tasting events, culinary tours, or cooking classes. This trend brings people together through a shared love of food and supports local businesses

  1. Wellness Retreats

Prioritise health and well-being with wellness retreats that focus on mental, physical, and emotional rejuvenation. Offer meditation sessions, yoga workshops, and nutritious food options. Partner with health experts and mindfulness coaches to create a holistic experience that promotes balance and self-care.

  1. Sustainability Festivals

In 2024, sustainability is not just a trend but a way of life. Organise a sustainability festival that focuses on eco-friendly practices, renewable energy, and environmental conservation. Feature workshops, panel discussions, and interactive exhibits to inspire attendees to make sustainable choices in their daily lives. But why stop at sustainability from an environmental perspective, what will help boost engagement with your events is running them long-term. This helps build sustainability across your organisation. We talk about consistency with events in this article if you want to learn more. 

  1. Hybrid Expos

Blend the best of both worlds by organising hybrid events that combine in-person and virtual components. This approach allows you to reach a wider audience while still providing the benefits of face-to-face interactions. Leverage advanced event technology to seamlessly integrate virtual and physical experiences. Again, if you are looking to do a hybrid event, we recommend you check out our article all about online and hybrid events here. 

  1. Embracing Tech 

Technology has been at the top of the event trend for years and certainly doesn’t change in 2024. With Artificial Intelligence taking the world by storm, if you can embrace technology with your event in 2024, you will be “up with the trend”. Tech can really help you build those “outside of the box” ideas for your event. 

Final thoughts 

For any small business or community organisation planning an event, it is about creating meaningful connections and fostering a sense of belonging while managing it within your everyday work.

These realistic and trend-forward event ideas for 2024 provide a roadmap for memorable experiences that align with the values of your organisation. 

By embracing these trends, your small business or community group can make a lasting impact while staying true to its roots. Here’s to a year of events that resonate, inspire, and strengthen local connections!

If you want to stay ahead of the game in 2024 but need some more guidance, let’s have a chat about how we can help you. 

should I host an online event

It is no secret that online events emerged as a lifeline for the events industry during COVID-19 pandemic. It provided a way to continue to connect, learn, and engage safely from the comfort of our homes. 

But now, we crave that in-person connection again. It is evident that online events, and their hosts, are struggling to get the attendance they once did, and the impact we had when online events were a novelty. 

While online events have a plan, we are going to share our viewpoint on online events and what you can do to generate interest and attention moving forward. 

Why online events aren’t as successful

As mentioned, being in lockdown for close to two years, we all crave that human connection offered by in-person events. 

So when online events are now organised and offered to an audience, it is easier for people to “not attend” as they may not feel the connection benefit.  

What’s being experienced, after being two years online, is “zoom fatigue” (not an underheard term to say the least).

The repetitive nature of online events, from virtual happy hours to digital conferences, has left attendees craving the authenticity that comes with face-to-face interactions – which is completely understandable! 

Why online events can be successful 

Online events can offer a new audience to experience what your event/organisation has to offer. Whether you are a stay at home parent or someone who doesn’t live locally, the online event options allow the change for more people to take part. 

The question organisations are now faced with, can I host a hybrid event? We see this happen with great success. People join online and others in-person to create a great space for people to connect and collaborate from wherever in the world!   

But of course, there needs to be some good planning and research to ensure it is a success. 

Should I create a hybrid event? 

Ask yourself these questions: 

  1. How spread out is our audience, and could a mix of in-person and online make it easier for everyone to join?
  2. Will our event goals work well online and in-person? 
  3. Can we handle the tech side of things to make it a hybrid event? 
  4. What additional costs are involved? Will they be worth it? 
  5. Can we make the online audience feel as connected as the in-person audience? 

So basically ask yourself if your audience is diverse enough to make it worth it (or better yet, do some research), does it make sense to the goals and values? Do you have the tech? Is there an additional budget needed to make it hybrid and do you think your audience will enjoy this format (again do research)? 

These questions will give you a good idea. If you think hybrid is for you, keep reading! 

How do I create a hybrid event? 

Strategic planning is crucial for successfully executing hybrid events.

If you and your organisation are thinking about hybrid events, it is important to invest in the technology that facilitates seamless transitions between virtual and physical components, ensuring a cohesive and engaging experience for all participants. 

Additionally, flexibility is key – allowing for last-minute changes based on the evolving landscape ensures adaptability and resilience in the face of uncertainties. But really, that is needed in any type of event organisation. 

How can I make my online event (or hybrid event) unique? 

To break through the noise, organisations must innovate and differentiate their offerings. Here are some strategies to make online events more exciting and different:

  • Interactive technology: Incorporate cutting-edge technologies such as virtual reality (VR) to create immersive experiences. Virtual environments can be designed to mimic real-life settings, adding a layer of excitement and engagement.
  • Gamification elements: Integrate gamification elements into online events to make them more interactive and enjoyable. This could include virtual scavenger hunts, quizzes, or challenges that encourage participation and create a sense of competition.
  • Dynamic content formats: Move beyond traditional webinar formats. Consider incorporating lightning talks, panel discussions, live demonstrations, and interactive Q&A sessions to keep the audience engaged throughout the event. Think outside the box! 
  • Themed events: Infuse creativity by organising themed online events. A unique theme can add an element of fun and make the event more memorable.

These elements all cost extra money, so you will need to ask yourself the question “is this worth it for the goals and budget of the event?”. 

Hybrid events: Case Study 

There are businesses out there that have created great business models of hybrid events. I want to share one that comes to mind. 

Sheree Rubinstein from One Roof. This was a co-working space. But, in 2020 I joined One Roof when an online community was offered. 

I have seen it grow and evolve into what it is now, and it is amazing to see what Sheree and the team have done. They host in-person events across Australia, they have online events (almost daily), community groups and forums, learnings and connection. 

She transformed her co-working space business to an online community that is centred around in-person and online connection. 

A great example of how online events (and in-person) can work to create a great impact for not just a business but for all those involved. 

Final thoughts 

The events industry is at a crossroads, and the path forward could involve a strategic blend of virtual and in-person experiences. 

While online events served a crucial purpose during challenging times, their sustained success requires a reevaluation of their role in a post-COVID world. 

If you are thinking of embracing hybrid models, it needs to be aligned with the goals of the organisation and the event you are hosting and the right technology is critical. 

The future of events is dynamic, and as we grow as online businesses, hybrid events may allow your organisation to grow outside of your local network. 

Want to see what event makes sense for your organisation? Let’s chat! 

Consistent event

You might have heard of the concept “consistency is key”. While we understand, in the events space, some events are a “one-off”. Creating event consistency can create many benefits for an organisation. 

Whether annually or at regular intervals, event consistency offers great benefits that go beyond just creating memorable experiences for attendees. 

In this blog, we will delve into the importance of event consistency and how it provides valuable insights for measuring success for your organisation (whether a business or community-led). 

What do we mean by consistency? 

While yes, event consistency can also refer to the consistency in your core message, event decor, or marketing, for example. We’re talking about running a specific event multiple times to really see the benefit. 

If you plan to create an event that you will run annually, bi-annual or the like, it is important to review your first event and make any necessary changes or improvements for its longevity.

Why should I consider running my event multiple times? 

Still unsure whether you should plan an event for your organisation that runs consistently? See below seven benefits you might want to consider… 

  1. Establishing a recognisable brand identity

Consistency in event planning goes hand in hand with creating a recognisable brand identity. When attendees can associate your events with a specific theme, quality, or experience, you’ve successfully carved out a niche in their minds. 

This brand consistency not only fosters trust but also sets the stage for long-term engagement. A consistent brand identity makes it easier for potential attendees to connect with your events, ultimately increasing the likelihood of repeat participation.

  1. Building anticipation and excitement

Recurring events generate a sense of anticipation and excitement among attendees. 

Whether it’s an annual conference, a monthly networking event, or a quarterly product launch, the regularity builds anticipation and keeps your audience engaged between events. 

This heightened sense of expectation can translate into increased attendance and a more enthusiastic audience, contributing to the overall success of each event.

  1. Learning and iterating

Consistent events provide organisers with a unique advantage – the ability to learn and iterate based on past experiences. 

Each event becomes a valuable learning opportunity, allowing organisers to gather feedback, analyse what worked well, and identify areas for improvement. 

This iterative process is crucial for refining event strategies, enhancing attendee satisfaction, and adapting to changing trends or preferences within the industry.

  1. Measuring success over time

One of the key advantages of hosting consistent events is the ability to measure success over time. 

Instead of relying solely on the outcomes of a single event, organisers can track performance trends across multiple occurrences. 

Metrics such as attendance numbers, audience engagement, and post-event surveys become more meaningful when analysed over a series of events. 

This long-term perspective enables organisers to identify patterns, assess the effectiveness of changes implemented, and make data-driven decisions to enhance future events.

  1. Strengthening stakeholder relationships

Consistency extends beyond attendee experiences; it also plays a vital role in building and strengthening relationships with stakeholders. 

Sponsors, partners, and vendors are more likely to invest in events with a proven track record of success. 

The reliability and predictability of consistent events create a sense of trust among stakeholders, fostering long-term partnerships that can contribute significantly to the financial and logistical success of each event.

  1. Enhancing marketing efforts

Consistent events provide a stable foundation for marketing efforts. Instead of starting from scratch with each event, organisers can leverage the success and reputation of previous occurrences to attract new attendees. 

This continuity makes marketing initiatives more effective, as the brand has already established a presence in the minds of potential participants. 

Over time, this increased brand visibility can lead to organic growth, as word-of-mouth recommendations become more powerful with each successful event.

  1. Creating a community

Consistency fosters a sense of community among event attendees. When individuals know they can rely on your events for a certain experience or networking opportunity, they are more likely to engage with like-minded individuals and build lasting connections. 

This community-building aspect not only enhances the overall event experience but also contributes to a positive and supportive atmosphere that encourages repeat attendance.

Final thoughts 

By embracing the power of event consistency, you can create a lasting impact, build a loyal community, and position their events as must-attend experiences in the minds of attendees. 

We have seen this happen with clients we have supported in the space. The Mother’s Day Classic is the perfect example of a successful consistent event, you can read more about the work we have done in the past by clicking here. 

Have you got an event you have in mind but aren’t sure what to do with it long-term? Let’s chat!